Introducing a rooster to my flock

Thanks for all the help. I am still new at this. I don't want to do anything to cause injury or death to my flock due to ignorance.
I'm in the same boat !! We had our first loss this weekend and will need to add to our "flock " lol . We only had 3 is a Browns but we loved them dearly !!!
So now I'm thinking of adding 3 more hens ( we have 2 remaining ) and a rooster to keep the peace . So I'm interested as well in the procedures to integrate!!!!
My new rooster sits in front of the fence that separates him from the hens. The poor guy won't move and won't drink. Would it be in his best interest to introduce him to the hens again?
My new rooster sits in front of the fence that separates him from the hens. The poor guy won't move and won't drink. Would it be in his best interest to introduce him to the hens again?
You can keep trying, see how it goes.....if he's not eating, drinking, and active, I might suspect an illness.
Not only might he bring something that would make your birds ill,
he may not have immunities to something 'new to him' in your facility.
The stress from the move/addition makes everyone a bit more susceptible to illness.

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