Introducing: BackYard Robots - April Fools 2017

I have been thinking about this some more and if someone had the know-how I think it would not be too difficult to make .. if someone does, can I get royalties?!! LOL

Electronic leg bands! Chickens allowed in have one type of leg band. Chickens not allowed in, another type and if no leg band then no access which keeps the wild birds out.

When the broody was no longer broody, you could swap her back to an access leg band.

To combat the issue of not being able to access when roost time comes around and everyone needs access, the 'access dependent on leg band type' could be set to only take effect between the hours of say 6AM to 6PM or whatever and anyone wearing a leg band outside those hours would be allowed access.

What if the broody needs to get in the coop to be safe from a predator or something? Then you're stuck!
Oooh, I just had another thought .. it could also work with exiting.

So, if for some reason you wanted to keep certain chickens inside the coop or run, their band could be no exit. A broody with chicks that you did not want wandering outside of the covered run and at risk from predator attack.

Of if you had a bullied hen, she could wear an access and exit band so that she could run into the coop/run for safety but the bullies could not follow her?

The possibilities are endless!
What if the broody needs to get in the coop to be safe from a predator or something? Then you're stuck!

True! Good Point! I do not have an answer for that one.

Hhhhm, may be it could be set up so that coop access is available, just not nest box access? Electronic door on the nest box area.

Each leg band could be programmed to access different areas. For example, the chicken wearing 'this' band can access the run and coop but not the nest boxes. The chicken wearing 'this' band can access the run, coop and nest boxes.
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Oooh, I just had another thought .. it could also work with exiting.

So, if for some reason you wanted to keep certain chickens inside the coop or run, their band could be no exit. A broody with chicks that you did not want wandering outside of the covered run and at risk from predator attack.

Of if you had a bullied hen, she could wear an access and exit band so that she could run into the coop/run for safety but the bullies could not follow her?

The possibilities are endless!
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