Introducing: BackYard Robots - April Fools 2017

Googled 'rfid chip chickens' .. there are a few uses.

Back to the drawing board for me .. well, actually just the housework and grocery shopping!
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Trust me, if I wanted to make bomb sights I'd find another way of obtaining spidey silk.<<Shiver>>
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Maybe Nifty can make personalized "trial" for each of us...

Banty's can carry around her "potapotty" for when she see's bugs and mine can bring my "potty" to the car for when it rains!
Maybe Nifty can make personalized "trial" for each of us...

Banty's can carry around her "potapotty" for when she see's bugs and mine can bring my "potty" to the car for when it rains!

First, I just don't like spiders, I am not terrified of all bugs.... second, I am still going to try and get you up here mid-February. I want to see what you look like when your face is whiter than the snow we're driving in :lau
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First, I just don't like spiders, I am not terrified of all bugs.... Second, I am still going to try and get you up here mid-February.... I wanna see what you look like when your face is whiter than the snow we're driving in

As long as you have the funds to buy a new vehicle after driving me around...I'm game!

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