Introducing Broody Hen back to flock with Chicks....

Sounds like you flock is growing already. I have a few more months to wait before it is warm enough for me to have more chicks. Enjoy them. It's fun to watch them grow up right in the flock. Thank you back.

Yeah, I got the itch when my Hens would not stop going broody ..I would break them and six eggs later they were broody. thoughts were to set eggs.....The one saved me from a total hatching mess....Another thread....

I also have 10 Ducklings that are 6 days Old and my Bouncer Duckling.....

Busy with birds......I love them all...

Thanks so much...... :)

Pearl and one chick out.....Orpington Hen.....
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Alice is a mix of something? little Bird......Possibly Slikie cross although she has normal toes and legs....The guy I got her from has lots of Bantam breeds and other types....I thought she was hilarious looking so I took her too......:)

I have lots of pretty Chickens...My Rooster is pretty too...He is a Brahma/Ameruacana...Giant Rooster....He is very Docile....
I once had a bantam cochin frazzled rooster. His second year, by summers end almost all his feathers had broken or fallen out and he was mostly naked, and beet red.

He earned the moniker the creepy thing. Needless to say he wasn't popular with the ladies and he hid in the pine trees most of the days with the ducks.

A breeder sold me two frazzles before I had realized what they were. Nothing like taking advantage of a amateur chicken keeper. I know better now. That poor rooster was the ugliest thing I ever saw, so I guess I have seen ugly. He was cute until the feathers came off.
Alice is not pretty by no means....She looks like a roadrunner and zips around the coop and run..when free ranging she is so funny...Alice runs from one place to the next....Great Mother though....She is not mean at all with me...Just a talker....

Not all Birds are pretty...They can be pretty awful looking....;)
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