Introducing chicks outside


In the Brooder
Jan 17, 2024
I have month old Splash laced red Wyandotte chicks. I want to introduce them outside as they have only been in the brooder, but here in Michigan it has been cold for a bit. Highs of around 50. What temp is ok to start introducing them outside.
Now temps. I have 1 month old's (Wyandotte, SSussex, Marans,) out in my coop brooder, 40-50's daytime. They have a MHP to get under at night but they've been out there since 2 weeks and they're doing great. They do not chose heat during the day anymore.
At a month old, take them outside and watch them. See how they react. If they get cold they should sort of hunker down and give a plaintive peep. That means bring them in.

I would expect them to be fine as long as they are not in a breeze. But watch them and make up your own mind.
At this age they can be outside all day once acclimated, so you need to do that first. To ease them into it since this is their first introduction to it, start with maybe an hour or two at first. Ideally you should supervise if you can, and make sure they have a dry, draft free place in the run (or keep them in the coop only at first) where they can take shelter from any drafts.
I have month old Splash laced red Wyandotte chicks. I want to introduce them outside as they have only been in the brooder, but here in Michigan it has been cold for a bit. Highs of around 50. What temp is ok to start introducing them outside.
Once they're fully featherd should be fine. Usually 6-8 weeks old. I say a month is too young to move out permanently but you can take them out during the day for a few hours so they get used to it.

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