Introducing me, Beccy B!

Would an average sized female Aylesbury duck fit through a doorway of 22x30cms?

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Hi Beccy and Welcome! You're in the right place for meeting, learning & sharing love of fine, feathered friends!

I always said the birds are God's Angels in earthly form, mine have certainly been a blessing, never judging, always making me smile & laugh. Even when I was bald from chemo, they knew who I was and my own little house birds (the Cockatiels) would actually love landing on my terrycloth turban hat that I wore to keep my bald head warm. They'd play "king of the mountain" each one getting their 5 minutes on my head, as I was preparing their veggies or just hanging out with them, and it was hilarious. I must have been a sight with Tiels on my head, shoulders, walking up my arms, it was so much fun that I ever could have while stuck indoors during that time I was so ill. When I was diagnosed with cancer they almost killed me with the chemo, everything that could go wrong did, and docs told me to "get rid of the birds" to which I replied, they are my LIFE, they are my JOY, people came and went, in and out of my life, but birds always gave me unconditional dedication, love and joy, NO WAY would I ever part with them. They were the best therapy I could ever have in life, through cancer, divorce and many other trials and tribulations, whenever life handed me lemons. I am grateful and feel blessed having them share my life.

I am so sorry to hear what you've endured, but I see you are STILL SMILING, and have love in your heart to share, and that is what matters, it is what gets us through when life hands us lemons...we learn to make lemonade and can still smile and still love. :)

PS, Oops, forgot about your door/duck question...I don't know, I am sure someone will answer with duck experience, though. :)
Hmm, well this feels a little awkward, I guess hello should be my starting point, I hope you and you feathered friends are all well and managed to avoid the dinner table over Christmas! I’m just going to tell you all the big stuff first so those of you that want to judge, can get it out of the way so that we can be friends! Here goes...
I am married to a guy who is much older than I am his 78 years to my 40, we married in 2012. I have 2 girls from my previous husband,(who was also 20 Years my senior) Who left me for an older, blonder woman! Life has not been easy for me, husband 1 left just before my second child was born with no warning. After my section,I brought my two girls up for their first 5 years alone despite having Fibromyalgia,borderline personality disorder, cyclothymia and badly controlled Epilepsy; Gray, my current husband is the only dad my girls (10&14) have ever known. I have no family despite growing up in a large family.My sister and I were both adopted from different families but always grew up as sisters.I had a hard time growing up needing to’find myself ‘ more than most. My wonderful mum died when I was 25, although I’d left home at 16,I hadn’t really cut the apron strings, and lost my Dad in 2011, followed my my grandma, grandma and grandad and 2 uncles, on Christmas Day my sister has told me not to contact her or my niece and nephews again due to something stupid our kids did. The rest of my family, aunts, uncles and cousins disowned me after burying dad’s ashes and won’t tell me why!!
I take many pills each day and don’t leave my house often. Consequently, I have pets which I love. 2 Cavaliers,5 cats, 2 axolotls and my little lovely Gilly, my five month old bearded dragon! So Aaaaany way, that’s mostly me warts and all, so here’s the good bit, Hubby has finally given in to me having ducks, hence my reason for joining and hopefully make some friends! Also wanted to ask...
I’ve seen a duck house that looks very practical. The ducks I want are 2 Aylesbury females, what’s the average size as I need to find out it they’ll fit through the door! Also where’s the best place to get Aylesbury duck chicks in stoke or Staffs? Thanks guys
:frow :jumpy :welcome
Welcome to the family Becky....
You have warts? :eek:
Just kidding, we all have our warts around here and as Pork Pie said, all that matters is our common ground, our feathered friends. :hugs
Poke around some threads and get to know the folks here. They are a wonderful bunch of peeps..:love
I got warts on my butt :gigLMBO kidding

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