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Haha! I called my husband 3 times this morning worrying about this hen. Haha
I'm still not 100% sure she'll follow through. We moved her out of the flock and I'm not sure she's happy with her new location. But it's early days yet and we'll see what happens.
We gave her all 10 of yesterday's eggs (I only have 13 hens).
Well, my 3 girls have been in the nest box for WEEKS. Today, 2 are out and only one is on the fertilised eggs..... sigh Hopefully she's big enough to keep them all warm. I don't know whether she pushed the others out or what. We shall see what we shall see. I'm all blase and "oh, I'll just stick them there and see what happens" and then when I've done it I'm like "I hope they don't die, worry worry worry"

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