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Motherhen2017 I've got a broody at the moment but don't want her to be!! She's been sitting on the nest box for almost three weeks now, each morning I take her out, block of the pop hole until she's eaten and then let her back in. The other girls initially stopped laying for a week or so but have just started again, funny thing is they lay in a different box to my broody, she just sits there with no eggs under her?? I'm getting a bit worried now as I read that she should be coming out of her broody period by now. Oh the joy of being a rookie !!
Motherhen2017 I've got a broody at the moment but don't want her to be!! She's been sitting on the nest box for almost three weeks now, each morning I take her out, block of the pop hole until she's eaten and then let her back in. The other girls initially stopped laying for a week or so but have just started again, funny thing is they lay in a different box to my broody, she just sits there with no eggs under her?? I'm getting a bit worried now as I read that she should be coming out of her broody period by now. Oh the joy of being a rookie !!

Wow. Funny how we worry over them eh? I hope she comes out of it soon! I read (on BYC I believe) that you can help them come out of it by putting them in a "temporary" nest box with mesh as the floor so that is hard for them to get comfortable enough to actually hatch eggs. Don't know if that might help? Good luck! ♡
Lol potato chip! It's a nice place. I've even been exploring some with the kids while they're on summer vacation. :)
I have my broody all set up with yesterday's eggs. :)

Now I feel like a nervous grandmother awaiting my first grandchild. Lol This is going to be a long 3 weeks.
I want to welcome both of you to BYC. It looks like a Race will go on between Potato Chip 's Hen and Motherhen hen. Lets see who's hens hatch first. LOL just a fun little contest between you both. So if eggs went under today hatch day would be 8/31/17 Remember they can also hatch a day or two before or later. But usually 21 days.

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