Introducing new chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 9, 2013
Last year I got three chicks over the last year I have only been left with one. I want to give her more company. My question is will my 1 year old mind baby chicks will they friends? will she take a motherly role? Will they fight? Will they be intimidated? Should I buy one chick or two?
Thank You
It would not be unusual for the older one to kill new chicks. In the end, though, you won't know unless you try it. If you get them, I would be prepared with a place to keep the chicks separate until they are adult size. Even then, there is likely to be some squabbling.
I was about to post something similar. We purchased hens and a rooster from Heartland Hatchery last year, and we've been very happy with the results. We want to add more this year, because we only have 8 laying hens. Heartland Hatchery has pullets and chicks on their website. If I add pullets, will they move in more easily with the one year old hens? What about adding some chicks also? Currently all our hens and rooster are Rhode Island Red. We'd like to add Barred Rock, and maybe some Easter Eggers. Any problems with mixing breeds?
The older started pullets may or may not be easier to integrate, but you won't have to wait till they grow to nearly the same size. I always suggest to allow them to get to know each other through a wire fence for a week or so. That way they can get to know each other without being able to fight. Being able to free range together for a while longer before sharing sleeping quarters also smooths the integration. Same method with chicks once they grow to a size they can either defend themselves or run. Mixing breeds seems to be what most BYC people do. I don't hear of many problems from having mixed breeds. Size difference sometimes, or picking a feathers in the wrong places, like Polish tops or Ameicuas beards. But there are many flocks where those aren't problems.

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