Introducing our New Buff Orp Cockerel,Midas!

I can't believe how much Midas has matured and developed over the past few weeks. I must get a current picture of him! Also, he has started crowing and it is a deep, manly crow already.

Found a picture of him from 2 weeks ago at his first show. It's not a very good picture of him because of the lighting in the building. He has gotten more "golden" since then. He is suddenly blossoming, which was what I was hoping that he would do.
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He is getting HUGE and he is doing really well with the ladies. We are definitely getting fertile eggs - I have his first babies in the brooder now.
Look at how much he has changed since the original post.

I wish the wind was not blowing his tail in this picture.



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He is simply breathtaking! Let's hope my BO hens never figure out what they might be missing....

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