Introducing the Ideal Dozen

They ought to be too small and light to bust out. I won't guarantee that one of the bigger ones might not crash in, but I can't do better with the available materials.
I bought a second hand tsc coop on Craigslist a few years back. I knew it wouldn't last long but it was cheap and I wanted it for a broody hen. I still have it. It has been recycled so many times that I can't remember what it looked like in the beginning. 🤣 Half of it has become a permanent brooder in the run. The other half, I store for an, as needed, broody or segregation coop.
They had their first encounter with a brief rainstorm this evening about dinner time. At first they didn't know what to do but then they rapidly fled into their coop.

I was concerned whether or not they'd figure that out but they have good instincts.

Tomorrow I will feed scratch and weeds right around their little run so that all the chickens eat together. I will also work on making refuges for them in different parts of the pen so I can move towards letting them out within another week or so -- while they're still small enough that they can get through openings that the others can't.
Langshans first.


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