Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Wow, should be some good ones in there to bring home ! I wish that I could come, its a bit far, I am in NE Wa.

I hope some other folks here can come over though.

Feed here in Wa. is the highest that I have seen anywhere.
I may take some from you if they are still laying in December. Mine are 5/6 months old and their combs are turning, but they aren't very cooperative with the roo
I just put with them.
I have to clear the brooder before I start another batch in the bator. I am planning to join the new years day hatch if I can get some eggs.
Depending on things here I might be interested in some eggs in march, I cant really see trying for any earlier. But would like some then, or april. I am wanting this year to raise out at least a dozen pullets and will keep all roos til 5-6 mos to get the 2 best. Freezer camp for the rest !
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Jim, setting your eggs in the incubator today! The eggs arrived yesterday and in great shape. Most excellent packaging. Can't wait to see what hatches! Thank you again for the opportunity to hatch this breed!
I swapped some eggs with Sandy and some on the Crazy on-line Egg Chain. I got BBS and White Ameraucana from the Chain and Cuckoo Marans from Sandy when her chickens start laying again. I've still been shipping with really good results.
We are trying to get the interest rolling in Kansas for the Iowa Blues! Hope you all don't mind if I lurk on your thread!

Jim - had another chat with the cuckoo marans girls this morning about their productivity. I promised extra BOSS if they showed me the eggs!

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