Is $70.99 Good Price For Hova-Bator+Turner?


9 Years
Oct 20, 2010
Triad Region, North Carolina
Im thinking of getting a Hova-Bator and egg turner. The one I am looking at is a special for the turner and Bator. It is priced at $70.99 and only $15.49 shipping. Any advice please?
Sorry I'm no help there! It can be so scary buying stuff now! You never know who is gonna rip you off.
If it's a still air, I'd pass. Those sell for about $45 in the feed stores and the turner is about $36-40. Seems not that big of a deal to me, maybe a couple of bucks less than you can buy at the feed store. Now, if it was a circulated air, great deal!

Personally, though, I'd pick a Hova over an LG any day of the week, but never a still air.
Which one? Was there a link you meant to post? If you are going to buy a still air anyway, the deal is probably fine, not really super, but okay. Circulated air incubators are less inclined to have those high heat spikes that kill embryos, though. Lots of folks do hatch in still air bators, but they require lots of babysitting.
I think I am set on the 2362N Hova-Bator. Where is a good deal to get it from? When I google it, it only shows Randall Burk Company listed at $125.98 and then Sure Hatch for $129.98. Any other suggestions?

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