Yes, they're the same. No matter what the particular hatcher calls them, Golden Comet, Cinnamon Queen, Golden Buff, and Red Star are all red sex links. They're the result of cross breading any red and silver color gene chickens. Usually Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire Red male over White Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island White, Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Delaware females

I always thought mine were Red Stars. Yet, when I see pictures of Golden Comets, they look like my Red Stars. I would like to know the answer too.
I'm with you on that. Mine were called Red Stars when I got them and I thought I had something similar but different from the Comets. Now I know how and where to readily replenish and source my stock. Thank you to all for the updated info.
first off, they are not breeds, but hybrids. a cross of two different breeds to give certain results.

and yes, they are different.

if you go to the Ideal website, they will break it down for you on this page.
click on the different types and it will tell you what is crossed with what to obtain the type of hybrid. Links

(BTW...cinnamon queen, red star, golden comet...they are just names given to a certain 'brand'. like buying licorice, no matter what brand it is, it's licorice!)

hope this helps you understand more.
Thanks for the info and the link; it really helped me since - I thought I had "Red Stars, not Golden Comets"; their genetics are so close and the pedigree doesn't matter a whole lot - at least for my yard birds. Once again, thank you for the clarification.

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