Is anybody willing to provide photos of their chickens for references for my artwork?







Use any you want or none at all, :) heck if you ever see me post a photo you have permission to draw it regardless :)
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I've got loads of photos... loads. so if any can be an inspiration for you, be my guest.

above is Old English Game Bantam, missing points on his comb from frostbite
below, up front is Rhode Island Red, rooster behind is Buff Cochin

above, the Buff Cochin with some Easter Eggers
below, Rhode Island Red with his son, the Easter Egger

below, Cochins

a little comic relief... Muddy Foot Flo, the Barred Plymouth Rock
Excellent pictures! If you have any others with the Old English Game Bantam (with points on comb)/Buff Cochin roosters, please send those over! Thank you!
Here is a Buff Brahma hen scratching in the leaves.

Here is an Old English Bantam crowing. The lighting may not be as good as you would like. You can feel free to fill in his tatty sickle feather, if you use the photo. I'm not sure if like still poses more than action shots, or not.

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