Is anyone else interested in cars and motorsport?

It looks like he had it going on but then lost control while trying to take that turn.
Yup, thats pretty much it.
When you first see the corner, it doesn't look as tight, so we were basically just going too fast; and also being the first stage we hadn't really warmed up yet, and were trying to get some good times in.... :(
And once you are onto the loose gravel, there's not much getting it back.
We were so lucky, it could have been a lot worse!
(I wasn't sure where to put this, so say if it should be somewhere else )
I've got two main hobbies, chickens and cars.
More specifically, I'm really into rallying.
I navigate, so it's up to me to tell the driver where to go, as well as dealing with most of the organizing.
We are only just getting into it, so there's still lots to learn.
I also like driving myself, in the entry level events, and helping work on the car.
Anyone else interested?
i love cars!
It looks like he had it going on but then lost control while trying to take that turn.
Oh, and why we just went straight off, rather than trying to make it round, was because once my driver knew we were going off, he didn't want to risk rolling off the edge, which is what may have happened if he had tried to keep it on the road longer.
Oh, and why we just went straight off, rather than trying to make it round, was because once my driver knew we were going off, he didn't want to risk rolling off the edge, which is what may have happened if he had tried to keep it on the road longer.
I’m glad you guys were safe!
I’m glad you guys were safe!
Its really nice to know how much other people care, there was a lot other club members asking if we were ok.
But even if we had hit one of the trees, at the speed we were going, ( only around 40km when we left the road) I think we would have been all fine.
Its really nice to know how much other people care, there was a lot other club members asking if we were ok.
But even if we had hit one of the trees, at the speed we were going, ( only around 40km when we left the road) I think we would have been all fine.
It could have been way more dangerous if he didn’t stop and realize sooner so I’m proud of you guys 👍🏼

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