Is Anyone Hatching on March 13th??

Oh, as far as what kinds of eggs we are hatching, this is what we have including what's under the broody out in the henhouse (set to also hatch on/around the 13th):

7 silkies
6 porcelain Belgian d'uccles
4 barnevelders
4 French black copper marans
2 bantam Easter eggers
7 LF Easter-eggers
3 "Mystery eggs" (brown eggs from a mixed flock)

I have candled 6 of the eggs under the broody about 4 days ago (had an opportunity and took advantage while she was off the nest to eat), and they all showed good development at that point.

Of the eggs that are still in the bator in the house, all candled with live chicks inside and healthy-sized air sacs (yay!) as of this evening. We go into lockdown in just under 24 hours. When we candled at day 10, we culled all the quitters. Tonight I candled in prep for tomorrow's lockdown to see if any needed to be culled, and they all look really good!

We only hatched 4 out of 11 eggs last time, so hopefully we'll have a better than 50% hatch rate this time. It's also gonna be interesting to see if the broody has a better hatch rate than the incubator.
I'm in I lock down tonight . I have 12 Blue Marans from peachick and 5 of my sniff sniff FBCM that killed by hunting dogs, I hope all her eggs make it. So I'm excited to see what happens. I never have any luck with shipped eggs, tried something different and I want to see if it makes a difference. Good Luck everyone.
I candled and lockdown this morning. One looks like it is already pipping internally. The others look a little behind. My incubator quit and had to borrow one from my neighbor. so maybe thats why some look a little behind all were moving thses are shipped eggs and out of 12 7 have made it to lockdown. I leave for St Louis with the girls Saturday morning so wish me luck leaving these with DH. I will call him a 1000 times to remind him to feed and water the chickens the ducks the dogs the babies inside the rats and check the incubator.
Good luck to everyone on your hatches!
Skipped out of work early. Looked in the bator and eggs are rocking in the turner. So I went we are locked down watching humidity, had shower running and added hot water instead of warm. Will just watch and keep
that all goes well.

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