Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

Thanks for the updates!

I have cobbled together a device with a heating pad on an oven rack attached to some lumber with adjustable furniture feet, we'll see if it works.

This sounds right down my alley. Keep us informed on results. Any chance of a picture?
I have been having some troubles with Premier lately (the company not their plate, as I still don't have it-but I should)

Around two weeks ago, I got a phone call from a very nice lady that worked at premier. I had just got my 2 waterers and heat plate cover a few hours before. She called to confirm my card number. I asked why they needed my card number again. She said that once they ship out part of the shipment, their system got rid of the card number. So I gave it to her and she said that my leg bands and heating plate would be shipped out March 1st. Which would of worked out great as I am expecting chicks from a breeder, but do not know the exact date (March or April). I posted awhile back that I was not happy with my heating cover, as it wasn't what I was expecting. Well it was not worth it to ship it back, so here it is sitting in its box in my bedroom. Not too long ago I had decided to email premier to see what the hold up was with my shipment. I was going to last weekend, but was helping some family move. Today I sat down and decided I would get to work on that email. Ironically I just got a call from premier. They said they had my leg bands in, but their was a problem with them. Apparently the numbers rub off. So now I would just 25 blue leg bands, 25 green leg bands, and so on without any numbering. She asked if I still wanted them or if I would want to wait for the back order. I asked how long the back order would be. She said she didn't know, it would be until the resolved the problem with the numbers. So it could be a week it could be months. I can live without the numbers so I agreed to accept them. I just wanted to use the colors to mark generations. She asked me for my card number again. I asked why. She said there system whipped it out again. Odd because they haven't shipped me anything else since I last gave them my card number. She said they declined my card. I have never had any problems with my card. She retyped it and for some reason it worked (good because I was about to flip). I asked if she knew when my heat plate was going to come. She said it would ship out April 1st. I explained to her how I placed my order in Feb. when it was only back ordered to March 1st, how I had been told that it was going to be shipped out March 1st, and how I purposely ordered over $100 of merchandise, because I didn't want to pay shipping. She said that I still won't have to pay shipping. And that my heating plate would be shipped out April 1st! Next it is going to be June first and I will already have chicks. I don't want to have to use a heating lamp and I am already in the time frame of when my chicks should be here and am heat plateless.

Obviously this is such a good product that they are absolutely overwhelmed. I think I'll order my MONTHS in advance next time. Good for them.
Obviously this is such a good product that they are absolutely overwhelmed.  I think I'll order my MONTHS in advance next time.  Good for them.  :thumbsup

Good that thy have so much business. But when they give you a date in when it is going to e shipped you expect it to be there. Especially when I ordered it weeks before it was back ordered until April.
Good that thy have so much business. But when they give you a date in when it is going to e shipped you expect it to be there. Especially when I ordered it weeks before it was back ordered until April.

I agree. How a business handles such things determines if I use them in the future or recommend them to others....there has to be a trust that what they say will happen, will happen, or they better have a darn good excuse and be offering some discounts to make up for your trouble. When it's something like this, where you need it when you need it and not later, it's even more crucial for them to stand by their commitments.
When I've dealt w/Premier in the past, I find that the folks that answer the phones don't have a lot of "authority". I have often asked to talk to a manager or someone that has experience in a particular area and they usually get me to that person or have them call me back.

I wonder if you asked for a manager and explained what happened if they might just be willing to bump you up higher on the list...or provide a concession of some kind.

Couldn't hurt to ask. I know I would. Especially since I think there were others that were told theirs would ship at the same time and did (I think I'm remembering that correctly...). Maybe just a friendly talk w/a manager :D
But thing is they called me, I didn't call them. One time I missed a call and they transferred me to a higher up person (though not manager) in a certain department. If they can't make it happen, they shouldn't if assured me in the date of its shipping. I am going to try and give them a call back tomorrow. I am starting to get nervous about constantly having to give them my card number though. My dad just had almost $700 taken out if his account yesterday for a Facebook thing-he doesn't even have a Facebook. We have seperate accounts but in the same plan or whatever it is called. I do not plan on ordering from them again. I do not like they have handled the situation so far, it has been a hassle. I know others have had good experience with them though. We will see how tomorrow's call goes
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Thanks for the updates!

I have cobbled together a device with a heating pad on an oven rack attached to some lumber with adjustable furniture feet, we'll see if it works.

This sounds right down my alley. Keep us informed on results. Any chance of a picture?
I would post a pic but my camera is on the fritz today, afraid it's a goner..might be able to borrow one tomorrow but am snowed in at the moment.

It's much simpler than Bee's......just the pad sitting on top of the rack and towel over the top of the pad as the plastic is hot enough to make the little buggers squeak when they run over it.

Will try to get a pic soon.
I would post a pic but my camera is on the fritz today, afraid it's a goner..might be able to borrow one tomorrow but am snowed in at the moment.

It's much simpler than Bee's......just the pad sitting on top of the rack and towel over the top of the pad as the plastic is hot enough to make the little buggers squeak when they run over it.

Will try to get a pic soon.
That's so funny...but not...but still funny. I have a feeling I'll not be using the broody pillow unless the ambient temps are really low out. I think it will just be the heating pad, frame and a flannel pillow case, with the hay piled on top and around it.
That's so funny...but not...but still funny. I have a feeling I'll not be using the broody pillow unless the ambient temps are really low out. I think it will just be the heating pad, frame and a flannel pillow case, with the hay piled on top and around it.
It was funny, I laughed then felt a little guilty, but chickie was ok...little feets were not harmed.

I think the heat is more available without any covering at all, on the bottom the plastic is heating up the metal rack, can use a lower setting...which theoretically should use less power.

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