Is Colloidial Silver safe for Chickens?

Any updates on how Mamma did after her silver water drink?

My Black Copper Muran came down with a cold about two weeks ago. I've been giving her an antibiotic but had to stop at day 14. She is only slightly better. Silly me should have thought sooner but today I called my Papaw in CA to ask for help. He'll be 89 next week. Okay, he said, go out and dump out her water and make her a fresh batch of 'silver water'. Just give her a couple ounces in her cup and she'll drink it. My grandfather has drank one gulp of colloidal silver water that he makes himself for over fifteen years now. He swears by it. And the guy that turned blue was drinking too much or mixing it too strong.

I'll be happy to let you know how Mamma does after her silver water drink.
Greetings! I know this is an old post, but was wondering how your results were with the silver? I am thinking about trying it on my 4 week old chick that is having trouble walking but still eating and drinking. It does not appear to be bone related. Thank you!
The blue man is not a hoax. I've seen him speak. The skin color is due to him applying strong applications directly to his skin. He made a tv appearance several years ago.
I had a chicken that just didn't act like the others. She had no symptoms of any kind. .. so I called my neighbour and a man that at any given time has 3000. Plus birds on his property. He's a breeder of many species of birds, and very well know in Alberta. I have purchased some of my chicks and geese from him so I trust him very much. He said give her Colloidal silver.. even directed me to the health store where he buy. So I did.. she perked up and didn't take long.
I can't remember the exact dose. I now have a chocolate Wyandotte Bantum who now has a virus. She's been on poly - tonine a complex for about a week. Her symptoms were watery eye.. bubbles coming out. Cough .. sneezing. Then I remembered what I was told. Colloidal silver. So now I've stopped the vitamins, and she will only get colloidal silver. I poured 60 ml's of distilled water (distilled is water that's been boiled and cooled).. for those that didn't know. And I gave her 1 ml or 1 cc of colloidal silver. Her only symptom now is the raspy sound.. she may never get over this I was told but I've treated other birds with other things wrong ( nerve damage) with success .. so this is a walk in the park. I have nothing to loose. And all to gain if she gets better. She eats great. Drinks great. Loves her eggs..cooked and grated. Just raspy.. she's my house chicken for the next few weeks, walks around like she owns the place. I walk behind and clean up. Loves looking in the mirrors and watching me. In one week I will let you guys know how she is..
I did try to call my neighbour but he's away in the USA..
How much do you put in the water. My chickens have had a cough for a few days now and I was thinking of add some to their water.
The story of the blue man is ridiculous. He was using it several times a day and putting it on his skin. I use Colloidal Silver which I make myself with the Life Force kit you can buy on Amazon and I am not blue whatsoever! I swear by Colloidal Silver. I have gotten chronic urinary tract infections all my life because of the way my body is. I have gone to doctors and they give you antibiotics and they go away. By the way, urinary tract infections will not go away on there own. The only real remedy is a prescription from the doctor. (Or so I thought). But, what a pain to have to wait until the infection gets bad enough so that they can be found in the urine sample you give. So, I got smart and tried Colloidal Silver (not the low doses you buy at the store) cuz they were no effective. Anytime, I get my urinary tract infections I take about 2 doses of the silver per day for about 3 days and it has zapped my urinary tract infections every time for the past two years!!!! I am trying it on my chickens today in a low dosage and adding it to their water. I was curious if it would be a good way to de-worm them in the event that they had worms.

If anyone is interested in the Life Force kit I bought, here is a link to it:
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