Is distance from hatchery a factor when ordering online?

It's late in the year for chicks.have you consider started birds? They would have been hatched this Spring. Would make much better winter layers. And you would have birds the right age to hatch chicks with the rest of us next Spring. Pick the breeds you want and contact their national breeders clubs for breeders in your area. Or check Craigslist.
Me too! But sometimes, coming from farther away means coming by plane instead of by truck. Shorter time on the truck *should* be a smoother ride... :confused:

Why not get feed store chicks? Those are shipped from the hatcheries too. DO you have something specific in mind? :pop
The local feedstores can't sell chicks because chickens aren't allowed in city limits, stupid I know. Nearest feed stores that get chicks are 100 miles away and only get them in spring. And they are straight run Would really like some wyandottes in the flock other than that not really. Gets down to -20 here sometimes so need hardy birds.
Have you considered the chanticler ?I'm getting some this August .they are hearty Canadian bird .the roosters are noble and gentle and so are the hens. I like the white variety . the breed Reveld in the cold. go out and play in the snow at 30 below. don't require heated coops or the Cozy Coops so many people built for their other breeds of chickens in the winter .
Best ,
I ordered from Estes Hatchery and had zero problems. Folks were great to deal with. Got a call from the Lady at the post office two days later telling me it was awful noisy in there and could I please come pick up my chicks:lol:

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