Is it a Silver Sussex.. can you call them Silver Sussex?

I just feel really bad for you folks that paid a fortune for Silver Sussex and were told to use Light Sussex to produce "splits."

I did find this information, while searching.

The Silver Sussex is a charming looking fowl with a silverfish black feathers covering the entire body, black tail and black wing tips. Normally a Sussex has a bright white body so the black body of the Silver Sussex is definitely a variation. However the feet, legs and toes are both bright white.

Male plumage: Head, neck and hackles white striped with black, the black centre of each feather to be entirely surrounded by a white margin. Wing bow and back silvery white; coverts forming bar black; flights and seconday's black tinged with grey. The breast should be black with white shafts, and silver lacing round feathers. The thighs should be dark grey showing faint lacing. The tail is black, with the under colour grey-black shading to white at skin.

Female plumage: Head and neck hackles as in male, the back and wing bow greyish, each feather showing white shaft with fine silver lacing surrounding it: flights and secondary's a greyish-black. Tail black, breast and thighs a lighter shade of greyish-black with white shafts and silver lacing to correspond with the top colour. The under colour should be as in the male.
They way I am understanding this genetics lesson is that you should not cross the Silver Sussex to the Light Sussex, or you will end up with a mess of unwanted genes. Am I interpreting this correctly?
blackdotte wrote:

None of the birds shown are good examples of Silver Sussex, the hen is the best of the lot.
They should be sold as what they are - crossbreds.
Light Sussex are a Silver Columbian Wheaten,
Silver Sussex are a Silver Birchen.
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Here is my actual email from Paul:

"I’m ready to ship your two pairs a week from today if you’re ready to receive them. I’m also sending you some extra birds that are silver x light crosses that look like lights but carry the recessive silver gene. Breed them with your pure silvers and they will throw some silver chicks."

My understanding was that these "extra" birds would throw out silver chicks. Just thought that the "breeder" would know more about this stuff than I did. Live and learn.

I do love my birds though, they are beautiful.
Aargh... silver is NOT recessive!

The colour is either S silver or s+ not silver (i.e. gold)

Birchen is not recessive, wheaten is not recessive, colombian is not recessive... no "splits" can be made as there is NO RECESSIVE genes involved with these two colours of sussex
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I now understand why you have Silvers of such poor quality. It is because here in Australia we have very few Silvers & they are not up to much.
What exactly do you mean by not up to much. I don't understand. Why in the world do we have Silver Sussex from Australia instead of England anyway.
Thanks for your input:D
What exactly do you mean by not up to much. I don't understand. Why in the world do we have Silver Sussex from Australia instead of England anyway.
Thanks for your input:D

The Silver Sussex in the USA from Paul Bradshaw were imported from Australia.
Soooo, like I said earlier, the word split should not be used at all? Any offspring Paul got from breeding the "original Silver pair" (which is what we ALL have), to the Light Sussex are not splits? Should they all just be called silvers regardless of color. My "split silver/light silver cross Roo is really just a Silver with no black and looks like a light??? Mercy me. I would post some pics but can't yet.... I guess what I am understanding here is all offspring just comes out all mixed up hence why every picture I see looks different. Color and markings and such. HEAVENS!!
Light Sussex are ideally wheaten at the E locus, however, if the Light Sussex roosters of a particular strain show saddle stripling then they are ether partridge or partridge splits.

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