Is it better to feed hen scratch or crumble?


9 Years
Sep 3, 2010
I have a flock of 15 chickens and would like to know in your opinion what you think is best to feed them. They are all young pullets and just starting to lay. I have been feeding them crumble and corn. They free range but do have access to their coop where their feed and water is. I live in East Texas where we seldom ever have snow and they can free range year round.
Thanks for your info....I guess I have been overindulging them with corn b/c I have crumble in one feeder and corn in another. I will just throw out a little cracked corn or hen scratch once in a while as a treat then? Have never given this new flock hen scratch, but I did feed it to my flock I had a few years ago.
When discussing "treats", what does that exactly mean?

I mean do things like cabbage, garden weeds, vegetable kitchen trimmings present a risk? How about high protein things like black oil sunflower seeds, mealworms and canned cat food? Or is it just fatty things and starchy things that present problems?

Is the objective that they don't get fat? Or is it optimal laying that creates the standard?

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