Is it even possible?


9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Portland, OR
For a 3 week old chick to be practicing a crow? One of the chics is makng very roosterlike screeches while stretching out its neck. Very healthy, active chick, so not sick. Never heard a sound like that before and its done it a couple of times.
One of my bantams started crowing probably at 7 weeks of age...
He sounds like quite a character! I would wait for him to be a little older and see if he is actually a boy.
I have 9 chicks that I hatched. And I will be waiting to know for sure, of course. I just thought it was an interestng sound tto be making. I had a couple of roos crow VERY early, as well, but not THIS early.
Also, just split the group, and the one with that partcular chick is quite a bit more rampunctious, sparring and whatnot. Again, too early to tell for sure, but interesting nonetheless.
I have read on here where people said they had one practicing crowing that early. Sure sounds like that's what yours is doing.

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