Is it hard to incubate peafowl eggs? Adults vs hatching...


11 Years
May 12, 2008
I am having trouble making up my mind, thought I would pick y'all's brains... Is it harder to hatch peafowl eggs than chicken eggs? I have pretty decent hatches with well shipped chicken eggs. I have two choices: I can get a 2 year old IB cock and a 8 month old hen, but they were not hand raised an id have to keep them penned forever, or should I just try to hatch and raise my own? I would love to have adults, but I want them to free range and be friendly...
What's a good place to order chicks from? I have always used ideal for my chickens but they don't carry them. I'd like to be able to choose colors, but that's not a must. It seems like most ship juveniles but I want day olds
What's a good place to order chicks from? I have always used ideal for my chickens but they don't carry them. I'd like to be able to choose colors, but that's not a must. It seems like most ship juveniles but I want day olds
Maybe find a breeder near you? Zazouse is in Texas, maybe she's close to you?


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