Is it mites? Fungus? Anything else? Normal or not? HELP!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 20, 2009
We picked my silkie up yesterday and noticed this deformitie of her feet. Also this white crusty hard stuff from her toes up her legs. It seems to be very hard. Can't tell if its normal.....none of our other chickens have anything like this. She seems to be walking fine.. Hopefully these pictures are clear enough. Please let me know if this looks like anything you've seen so I know if I need to so something about it.


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She looks to have scaly leg mites. What you do for that is get some vasciline, and some poultry dust (or Seven dust), and mix the two together and rub that on her legs. The vasciline (spelling is not right!), will suffocate the scaly leg mites, and the poultry dust will also help kill them. You've gotta keep after it, but that will fix her right up! It's also a very inexpensive way to fix the problem for you!

Good luck, Dear and let me know how she's doing!

I thought that as well but wouldn't the other hens be affected? I mean if this is leg mites than she has had it for LONG time due to the thickness of the growths. Its sticking about a 1/2inch off the legs.

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