Is it natural nature for the chickens to come into the coop at night?

It's been a week and a half now and still have to go out at night and put them all back in the coop. I think I need an old chicken to come in and tell them what they are suppose to do!
They all huddle up together in a corner in the run and go to sleep. When I pick them up to put them in the pop hole,they don't even know they are being picked up at first. I have two pans of food waiting for them when I put them in. After they are in,they "wake up" and go to town on the food.

The girls are 9 and 10 weeks old.

Oh and also,I have two roosting boards in the coop,one 12 inches off the floor,the other 3 feet off the floor,they don't use either one!

Are they going to figure this out........................................................... ever?
Here is a picture of my ramp/roost combination. The girls are 8 weeks and free range during the day. I used to have to put them in at night, but the other day it was really stormy out so I put them in early and left them in til mid afternoon the next day. It seems the extra cozy time in their coop impressed them to the fact that it was 'home' and now all but 2 have been able to find the coop and dusk and put themselves to roost.
Going out

Some fly up/down, some use the ramp
This what I ended up doing with the long steep ramp board, I was hoping they would squat on it when it got dark and then see their coop all warm and nice inside and go in................................................. not!


They still love it though.

JSC's Hubby

JSC (& DH), that's a great idea. Love it!
I'm planning on extending one of my current roosts out to the side of the coop so all the girls can roost. I figure that way come winter they can get outside without having to put their dainty little tooties in the snow...unless of course they want too!
Ok,,,,,Success! They finally all went in on their own tonight!

The thing I tried different was turning the light on in the coop before it got dark.

Chickens definitely hate the dark.

JSC's Hubby
Great news! They just needed to get the hang of things. Heck, I have a Silkie that STILL needs to be put back in the coop, after a year! DH goes and gets her from under the coop and puts her in it every night. Not the sharpest tool...
i have a question about this....
dont mean to break in on the thread...but we have to do the "chicken round up" every evening. With 25 chicks 7 weeks old it takes 2 of us. The DS stands at the pop door and makes sure none come back out after I grab them and put them in. I never let them stay out till scary for me! Anyways......I leave a night light (a 60 watt bulb) on in the coop at night. Am I supposed to be turning it off. Are they supposed to have complete dark at night? Being warm isnt an issue there is heat in the coop and its fully insulated.
If you leave them out till after dark with the light on in the coop,I bet they will go in on their own.

They will hate it if you turn the light out after they are in,but I THINK they will get used to it.

I am going to leave a 20-25 watt light on at night all the time for ours.

JSC's Hubby
If you leave any type of light on at night they will eat all night and not get the sleep they need. Let them get used to going in at night then turn the light out.

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