Is it normal for a rooster to chase new chicks/chickens around?

Ok thanks. I can't exactly get more hens at the moment because my hen I have now is setting on a nest, and they are due to hatch soon. And umm, I have no idea what a hen saddle is... So can u please explain it to me.

It is the same thing as the hen apron a cloth with elastics that go over the hen's wings to hold it in place kind of looks like a cape for chickens :) good luck with your hatch I have eggs in the incubator as well they are on day 4 so we still have a ways to go
Thanks for the answers. :) my hen has 9 eggs in her nest. Im looking forward to watching her become a mother. :)
This morning when I went out to let my rooster and hen out of there house I brought my 3 chicks out with me. When I put them down they walked around and explored than all of a sudden my roo bolted towards one of them and chased her around. The chick was obviously terrified so I chased the roo off and stood between him and the chick. I don't know wether he was trying to breed or just being aggresive. Is it normal for a roo to behave like this when knew chickens/chicks are introduced to him?
Ariana, he should know they babies aren't big enough to breed. When they are ready they will squat for him and their combs will be developed. I have 23, 2 month old pullets running around and my roo just watches them, never is aggressive. You will probably have to stay around and watch when they are together. Do you have enough extra fencing materials/chicken wire to divide up the pen so they can see each other from their own area, but not get too close? Also, I agree with the other posts, you need to cover the run. A hawk will carry off a young pullet given the opportunity.
Hen saddles or aprons will prevent the roo from breaking all the hen's feathers on her back when he mates. Typically a roo's favorite hen/s will have broken feathers on their backs and if bad enough bare skin showing which can lead to open wounds if he continues to mate her. You can find patterns or directions to sew them online, probably even on BYC, if you sew or have a relative who can help you. They don't take long to make and of course you can buy them.
Good Luck!

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