Is it ok to just wipe eggs with water?

My birds don't roost or hang out in the nest boxes, so that isn't why they're getting smeared sometimes - obviously they're coming out of the same hole, and - well, you know. There is never any feces in the nest materials.

I am only wiping with a slightly damp cloth the smears themselves, not the whole egg. I think I'll continue to do it that way - I do sell my eggs so I want them clean, although I do tell people to wash them for real before using them, that way they stay fresher. Thank you all for your answers, you've helped me greatly!
A study was done where unwashed eggs were still fine to eat after 6 months in the refrigerator. The unwashed eggs lasted longer in storage than the washed eggs.

If you are only keeping your eggs around for a few weeks, I don't think it matters whether you wash them or not. I would refrigerate washed eggs. Actually, I refrigerate all eggs. If you might be keeping your eggs for months, then I think it's better to leave the bloom undisturbed. Some people might like to have more eggs on hand going into molting season and winter, for example, when laying slows down.

Most of the time, the eggs we collect are so clean, they look like they've already been washed. If they've been running around in the yard after a rain, we occasionally might get a slight smear of dirt. Rarely, we get a smear of poop. This is what I do. Clean eggs go into the normal rotation of egg cartons, where I am using the oldest eggs, first. If I have to wash a dirty egg, I use warm water to do it. The washed egg then gets put in with the eggs that I will be using next. Then I never have to worry about it.
You should refrigerate your eggs right away. A few days on the table is like weeks in the fridge.

Yikes! Well luckily they get eaten right away & no one has been sick cause they get cooked all the way! Thanks!!!

No more washing eggs for me.
obviously they're coming out of the same hole, and - well, you know. There is never any feces in the nest materials.

Actually a chicken's body is set up so that the egg should never come in contact with feces while passing. They go down different tracts and the side with the egg inverts a little to keep the egg from contacting the same tissue as the feces. So it's uncommon that an egg should get dirty in the process of laying. If your eggs are dirty the chickens are pooping in the box before or after laying or tracking it on their feet.​
wow, I read that Plamodan's direction on washing about making something complicated!! Wipe the "stuff" off and put 'em in the fridge. Done.
Actually a chicken's body is set up so that the egg should never come in contact with feces while passing. They go down different tracts and the side with the egg inverts a little to keep the egg from contacting the same tissue as the feces. So it's uncommon that an egg should get dirty in the process of laying. If your eggs are dirty the chickens are pooping in the box before or after laying or tracking it on their feet.

Well, there'd be signs of it somewhere other than on the egg, and there aren't any signs of pooh at all except a swipe on the egg, so I have no idea why they're getting a little messy. Not every single one. I've got one green egglayer, and that green egg always has to be wiped off. Most of the rest are clean as a whistle.
Hi, the most likely culprit of your dirty eggs (if the nest box is clean) is the hens rear feathers. Hens can get poopy butts just like chicks. The hens can clean themselves though not always thoroughly.

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