Is it ok to spank our roo?


I went the Kicking route and went MANY rounds with 'Rocky" (yes I get the irony!) our Black Sexlink Roo. I "won" every exchange but it did nothing to "fix" him. I decided to take him to the cone and end it, but my wife ChickLoo pleaded with me not to kill her roo! In hindsight I remeber that everytime I squared off and then made him run he left me alone for the day. Just now put that together. He gets scared when I go Alpha on him!!

I am going to try this and if this doesn't work then maybe the cone! HEHEHEHEHE!!!!
Oh yeah and in the last BIG BATTLE with Rocky he snapped off one of his spurs on my thigh! It bled like crazy (Of course that didn't stop him from mating! Blood all over the girls!) and could see it dangling by what looked like a string. An hour later or so it must have torn off cause he was SPRAYING blood everywhere!! It had been hanging by a vein! It looked like a Super Soaker coming out. My wife and I quickly chased him down, caught him and I proceeded to preform a veinal cauterization with a soldering iron. (Yes I know.... Genius!!
)Which much to my wife's happiness, was successful. I was covered with more blood at the end, than if I had killed 1,000 chickens!! It was amazing he still had any left. He did pass out during the procedure, I can only assume it was from shock, but he recovered after a few minutes of holding him and a much deserved slumber overnight.

Rocky is still a little jerk, even though I saved his life, but to make my wife happy it was worth it........ even though I want to put him in the cone EVERYDAY!!!!
RedStarGirl, I love the bubble bath idea! Sounds like fun!

BMC, what a nice thing to do for your wife! Really nice of you. Yes, the kicking route is a challenge, you backing up is a loss. Making HIM move and move is a win. Out of 9 roos the only one that wouldn't get it was a little Bantam. And for weighing a pound, he really packed a punch.

Here's my granddaughter age 7, in with 5 JG's and 1 BO.

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First of all, do you really need a rooster? If not, make dumplings. Hens DONT need a rooster to lay eggs (common misconception). Besides, they are noisy. Unless you intend to have setting hens or plan to incubate eggs, all the rooster is doing is consuming chicken feed.
Not true. (well the hen's lay eggs without a rooster part is true)

Roosters don't just make noise and consume feed. They are protectors of the hens and warn them of danger. A priceless benefit for very little feed consumption.
I love my roo, Earl. He's growing into a fine, polite, rooster that even eats from my hand. I hope he stays that way! I can't imagine kicking him...or any of the other critters here. Although...I have cussed them out a couple times, especially the goats.
We have a Modern English Game Hen roo, who had been very sweet to me as a chick and when he was younger, he is now almost 20 weeks old and usually challenges me every time I go out to the chickens. I started to stand him down, and carry a spray bottle filled with water that can adjust to a stream. When he starts to come at me, I stand my ground and spray him. He is not very happy about it, and will stalk off "cussing me out". This works well, but I have to watch the little crapper because he will sneak up behind me every once in awhile and jump up at me. I tried the defending myself by putting my foot up and catching him in mid jump and launching him. This did not work, as he would alsways come back at me, and I felt bad doing this to him. The spray bottle works, and it's funny to hear his ticked off chatter at being defeated.
I think those little roos suffer from "little man syndrome". Could not get mine to quit. He would wait till I turned my back and attack. Little bugger!

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