Is it possible that a 17 week old might be rooster that hasn't crowed?

Kelly G

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Tampa (Wesley Chapel), Florida
My Coop
My Coop
Yesterday one of my RIR pullets (or so I thought!) flew at the back of my legs and tried to spur me when I turned my back on them! Darn chicken!!! I turned around and gave her a good swift she/he is keeping her distance from me!

Is it possible this is really a roo that hasn't learned to crow yet? They will be 18 weeks old on Tuesday. She does appear more developed (comb and wattles as well as more pronounced tail feathers) than the others from the same hatching.

I'll take a picture when I go back tonight and post them here this evening. Fricken chicken!
Anything is possible with chickens

Hens can be aggressive, especially if they're startled or frightened. A rooster can be slow to develop, and/or could be crowing when you're not around to hear him.

But by 17 weeks RIRs are usually obvious to sex by sight, the roos should have big upright red combs & dangle-y wattles, shiny thin pointy feathers on the neck & saddle, and the beginnings of metallic green sickle-shaped feathers growing from his tail.
We need photos to help you be certain.
:barnieI have 15 RIR at three weeks of age one started to look a little roo-ish. As it turns out I was correct, and he didn't start crowing until he was about 15 weeks old, nowhe does not shut up.

Some roosters crow super early (I had one that crowed at less than one month old!) and some crow super late, so you never know. And, yes, pictures would definately help!

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