Is it possible to hatch from egg with broken aircell? UPDATE

Just hatched three from broken displaced and too large air cells. Two of the three needed a bit of help, one ignored his oddity and busted out all my himself. Two more like it to go today...

So go for it, expect some trouble and good luck.
I've had some (including my chicks that hatched yesterday) that had crazy air cells, looked like figure 8s in there or something. Haven't had a problem with hatching yet.
I ended up with only 7 eggs that looked like they MIGHT be viable. Only saw actual movement in two of them but with really messed up aircells.
Tonight I have a small pip in one egg!
I was so pessimistic about this hatch that I didn't even buy any chick starter. So if this one actually hatches I'll have to run out tomorrow morning and get some.
Then there is the question if a single little chick can eat a 50 lb bag of chick starter -
Day 14 with Silky Duck eggs with Tremulous Air Cell (TAC) {really messed up, loose, big, figure eight, and/or twin air cells)
I ordered 4 eggs. 5 were sent. My hubby said when the mailman delivered the box, he chucked it up on to the porch. great. They're all still kicking when candled, but a couple have their air pockets moving around the egg when it's turned. Another is just sort of figure 8ish, and one is REALLY BIG. (can they get bigger if they separate?) Some posts on this thread give me hope to actually get a hatch!
My broader question is this: If Silky Ducks need daily spraying to help develop an otherwise smallish air cell, does TAC mean I shouldn't spray them now? (I've been doing what I was told, independent of the TAC, hoping for the best!)
Two of these eggs are slightly sage green, the other three are off-white/tan.
I've really got my fingers crossed!
Pray for my little duckies!
I got 5 babies out of the 12+ eggs I had shipped to me. So it is possible to hatch from ruptured aircells. Most of the eggs didn't develop at all, a couple of starters and one rotten

I'm hoping for 4 pullets and a roo!
Just wanted to update: One of my runner duck eggs had a broken air cell, a floating air bubble, and an oozing crack when it was shipped to me. I thought, no way would it even develop, but went ahead and put a piece of tape over the crack and propped it up in a carton in the incubator. . .
. . .27 days later the duck in the egg is zipping and nearly out. Don't want to celebrate too soon, but just wanted to encourage others to give these eggs a try. Hey, you just never know!!!!!
Whoa! You simply MUST tell us what happens. 6 days to go on my silkies.....
One of the aircells is almost half of the contents of the egg! When candled, though, it's still kicking!
I have 24 eggs in the bator with some form of air-cell damage and some with none, all of them are on track and kicking!!! Good luck, keep us updated!!!
I got 15 Java eggs with "bad" aircells. They are on day 8. I candled them, and 4 definitely have veining, I think on one I even saw a heart beat!
But I'm too new to incubating to completely understand what was going on with the other eggs.

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