Is it worth it money-wise?

Depends on the kind of chickens and how many you have to feed. but it is so much fun
Maybe having four instead of two will be the trick to selling some eggs and keeping that old out-go on a more even keel?
We probably eat 12 eggs a week on average. Some weeks 6 or so more because of egg-salad sandwiches.

Most hens lay 2 eggs every 3 days (depending on the breed), so that would be roughly 8-9 eggs a week from 2 hens or 16-18 from 4. Not many leftovers to sell, I'm thinking.

Just do it! Lord, they will save you a fortune on blood pressure medications because the eggs are better for you and the laughter they generate is so healthy. They poop fertilizer, too, it may be that some one near you would be willing to pay for "premium organic fertilizer".

My industrious hubby made our coop from scraps. Feed is marginal and grass and bugs from the backyard cost nothing. For nesting right now I am using yard clippings. It doesn't have to be any more expensive than you want it to be.

If you are really worried about the cost, get two hens and see how it goes. But I promise you, once you get the first ones settled, you will want more
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A chicken is about the cheapest pet we have. We are not making money on them, but I didn't set out to do so. If you were industrious and had clear goals you could make a small (tiny really) profit off of backyard eggs. If it's all about saving 10 cents per dozen though, your time would be better spent saving in other ways.
thanks everyone...

I don't want to necessarily make money, I just don't want to go in the hole trying to do something that at first looks feasible, but in the long-run is not.

I am really looking forward to going to my friends' homes and checking out their setups. Hands-on is better than imagining.

Tell me ... where do you guys get those amazing moving smiley things?

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I'm new to having chickens this year and although I to am in the hole as well, I LOVE THEM
I look forward to coming home and checking for eggs, giving them their "enrichment" (today, some cottage cheese, a couple ears of corn and a head of lettuce), and just watching them run around. I'm not getting rich financially, but they have "enriched" my families life!
I'm not in it for the money either...maybe later when I have more land I might do that. But, it's a hobby and one I NEVER thought about before my daughter's class project of hatching chicks. I just thought how cool it would be to raise chicks at home. Chickens are fun!

The highest expense for sure is the coop. I made the mistake in buying a hutch and forgot about needing an enclosed coop for the winter. I'll be buying a better one in a couple weeks for $300. The feed for chickens is cheep!
I guess it depends on the cost of feed where you are. Our 1st coop was cheap, mostly recycled. Our 2nd coop going in is the same. The feed store chicks were cheap and so is the feed. For our 6 layers we go through a bag of feed every 1 1/2 to 2 mnths. They free range the yard and get kitchen scraps. The feed is routinely on sale for $7-$8 a bag. I bought 1 50lb bag of oyster shell for $11 that DH says is going to last 2 yrs. LOL

We're a family of 5 getting 2-4 eggs per day now. We eat far more eggs now than we ever did before. If I were buying those same eggs from the store vs buying feed, we'd probably be about even now per mnth. As the girls really get going, we're just starting now, I could probably sell a few and make a few bucks.

They fertilize the yard and garden, help control the bugs and cut down on the mowing we have to do. Haven't figured out savings on that. So not necessarily making me money, but I'm definately saving because of them.

That's the layers. All good laying but ordinary readily available breeds. With very little investment in coop or run. If you stop there, I'd say you're golden.

Problem is chickens are addictive.
I have to agree; it's doesn't have to cost much to raise're privvy to the added bonus of having great entertainment & therapy by just watching them & getting to know the different personalities!

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