Is late March too early to put day-olds outside under a broody hen?


11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
Central Virginia
We're hoping to either buy hatching eggs or day-olds this spring (late March), and for a variety of reasons I can't have chicks in the house under a brooder lamp this spring. I'm hoping to slip them under a broody silkie and have her do the work. If we get day-olds, is it still too cold in late March for chicks to be outside if they have a momma hen? The average temps in our area in March are mid- to high 50s during the day, high 30s-low 40s at night.
I know NOTHING about broodies. I would be very surprised though if you were successful about putting a bunch of little chicks under a hen and her taking care of them. I would think the stars would have to allign just right...broody hen sitting eggs just the right amount of time where she may actually consider day old chicks hers... Now eggs, I could see (assuming you have a broody hen at the end of march)...and by the time they hatched, the season should be moving along nicely... I hope someone with experience w/your situation comes along soon...

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