Is letting bread rise for the second time really that essential?

Little garbanzo, you didn't make bread, but I bet it was a delicious German Sweet Cake!
I have done it both ways, but letting it rise twice seems better. I also don't use "warm" water, just what ever comes out of the tap at the time. In the beginning I was killing the yeast by using "warm" water. We go through about 8 loaves a month this time of the year. We also have a wood stove that helps in the raising.
Yumm! unleavened german sweet bread, my favorite.

I'm glad it came out tasting delicious. Sometimes baking with yeast is a bit of an adventure.

My bread recipes say to put the sugar in with the yeast and water. You did not mention you did that might be the difference? It is sweet bread so I am sure there was sugar. I think the sugar help the yeast bubble they react to each other in some way.
The recipe stated to put the yeast in with the crisco and water. It had me add the sugar to the dry ingredients. I did substitute the crisco for butter because that's what I had. Next time I think I'll add a little bit of sugar with the yeast, and melt the butter in a seperate dish before having them all together..

It was absolutely delicious despite the lack of a rise, next time I won't bake in a hurry, and everyone said it was great!

Thanks for all the input everyone and I'll certainly let you know how the next batch goes. I definately suggest this one to everyone to try out. As I said in the first post it was from the recipes tab on the BYC homepage

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