Is my 5 week old duck lonely?


Jun 17, 2022
Hi so on May 5th I saved a baby mallard duckling that was being chased by a cat (had to be around 4 days old when I saved him) ever since then he imprinted on me and loves to be around me. He is starting to get his color in so I know it a boy but he paces back and forth in his cage. I know that means he is lonely but I can't get another duck for him since I know another male would make them fight and only 1 female isn't good either. He is fine with me but when my sister comes in his whole body vibrantes and he attacks her and it's only her. He doesn't do that to my dad, mom, other siblings just her! Everytime he attacks her she just pokes me and he stops. But what do you guys think? Will it be OK he is already almost 2 months so finding another duck his age will be hard cause they might bully each other and that would be rough. I moved rooms just today cause it's bigger for him. I also sleep in the room and before today he never paced. Could he be a little stressed out from the move?
Hi so on May 5th I saved a baby mallard duckling that was being chased by a cat (had to be around 4 days old when I saved him) ever since then he imprinted on me and loves to be around me. He is starting to get his color in so I know it a boy but he paces back and forth in his cage. I know that means he is lonely but I can't get another duck for him since I know another male would make them fight and only 1 female isn't good either. He is fine with me but when my sister comes in his whole body vibrantes and he attacks her and it's only her. He doesn't do that to my dad, mom, other siblings just her! Everytime he attacks her she just pokes me and he stops. But what do you guys think? Will it be OK he is already almost 2 months so finding another duck his age will be hard cause they might bully each other and that would be rough. I moved rooms just today cause it's bigger for him. I also sleep in the room and before today he never paced. Could he be a little stressed out from the move?
You can have 2 males and it will be fine
I had one girl and one boy as my other girl died. They did just fine in fact even though I hatched their babies and added more those two stick together all the time.
I would never have a lone duck as they need another one at minimum to be with
Swim , preen , eat , forge ect. They do follow the leader all day long
Glad you saved him but please get him a friend
Where are you located ? Could you look on your area for another duck close to his age
Hi so on May 5th I saved a baby mallard duckling that was being chased by a cat (had to be around 4 days old when I saved him) ever since then he imprinted on me and loves to be around me. He is starting to get his color in so I know it a boy but he paces back and forth in his cage. I know that means he is lonely but I can't get another duck for him since I know another male would make them fight and only 1 female isn't good either. He is fine with me but when my sister comes in his whole body vibrantes and he attacks her and it's only her. He doesn't do that to my dad, mom, other siblings just her! Everytime he attacks her she just pokes me and he stops. But what do you guys think? Will it be OK he is already almost 2 months so finding another duck his age will be hard cause they might bully each other and that would be rough. I moved rooms just today cause it's bigger for him. I also sleep in the room and before today he never paced. Could he be a little stressed out from the move?
it is very likely where you live that taking this duckling was actually illegal-
but two drakes can live fine together.
Vibrating means overwhelming hormones, it could be affection, excitement, anxiety or upset.

Do you have a plan on how you'll keep him? In the house? Do you have room for an outdoor pen and duck house?
How would you keep them indoors if not? A cage won't last long, they need lots of room and access to water
it is very likely where you live that taking this duckling was actually illegal-
but two drakes can live fine together.
Vibrating means overwhelming hormones, it could be affection, excitement, anxiety or upset.

Do you have a plan on how you'll keep him? In the house? Do you have room for an outdoor pen and duck house?
How would you keep them indoors if not? A cage won't last long, they need lots of room and access to water
You can have 2 males and it will be fine
I had one girl and one boy as my other girl died. They did just fine in fact even though I hatched their babies and added more those two stick together all the time.
I would never have a lone duck as they need another one at minimum to be with
Swim , preen , eat , forge ect. They do follow the leader all day long
Glad you saved him but please get him a friend
Where are you located ? Could you look on your area for another duck close to his age
I'll totally look into getting a male duck for him I live with my parents and I've argued I needed another duck but they day he is fine. I'm getting a job soon so I'll be able to get another guy since there is many places around that have ducks. Now I just need to find one his age
it is very likely where you live that taking this duckling was actually illegal-
but two drakes can live fine together.
Vibrating means overwhelming hormones, it could be affection, excitement, anxiety or upset.

Do you have a plan on how you'll keep him? In the house? Do you have room for an outdoor pen and duck house?
How would you keep them indoors if not? A cage won't last long, they need lots of room and access to water
Yeah I'm aware in alot of places it's illegal to touch even keep wildlife so I'm careful about that! But I've been keeping him in a big pen in my room but he's only in the pen at night I let him outside almost all day to eat bugs and swim in the pool we got him and he has access to water 24/7 with a water feeder in the cage and a bowl of water deep enough to blow his nose out. I'm planning on getting another male duck for him and for now I have a decent size mirror in the pen so he doesn't get that lonely while I search for a male :)
Yeah I'm aware in alot of places it's illegal to touch even keep wildlife so I'm careful about that! But I've been keeping him in a big pen in my room but he's only in the pen at night I let him outside almost all day to eat bugs and swim in the pool we got him and he has access to water 24/7 with a water feeder in the cage and a bowl of water deep enough to blow his nose out. I'm planning on getting another male duck for him and for now I have a decent size mirror in the pen so he doesn't get that lonely while I search for a male :)
Adding a stuffy helps too
Even my 9 ducklings love to lay beside the stuffy


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