Is my bossy hen crowing or is she a rooster?

yup,, a roo !!!
i was gonna answer ya that a hen can do all the crowing,, but my wifers was watching me type,, hahaha
she does ALL the crowing here
OH NOOOO! If he's a rooster, I will need a new home for him in Central TX come next spring. The neighbors are going to lynch me
Ok, here comes my other Ameraucana hen. I think aside from the red comb they look pretty much the same feather and foot-wise:

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I think it's a hen... then again, I have one that got very red to start off with too.

Here's Cho. She's 3 months old now, but was 8 weeks in the picture and her comb hasn't changed any.
Looks like a roo! The neck and tail feathers have me guessing roo anyway? One roo we had was the runt and was named Tiny. He grew up to be huge, loud, bossy and posted on Craigslist!

I have a vast 5 plus months of experience and have raised a good half dozen chicks so far?

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