Is my chicken okay?


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2018
Madison, WI
I'm worried something might be wrong with one of my hens. She's one of three beautiful girls that we're raising in our backyard. She's a speckled sussex who just passed her first birthday and has been laying normally, until now. The day before yesterday, she laid one of those fart eggs where the shell is wrinkled and thin. The next day she laid normally, but today she laid an egg without a shell (just the membrane). I don't know if it's relevant, but we think she pulled a muscle a few weeks back because she had a limp for a few days. It went away, but recently has been bothering her again. Also, she pecked at my sister last night (extremely out of character!). She's at the bottom of our flock's pecking order, and there's a bit of a history of infighting, but I haven't noticed too much aggression lately from the other girls. I want to get her checked out, but our local avian vet is only available for emergencies due to the coronavirus. Please help!
speckled sussex who just passed her first birthday and has been laying normally, until now. The day before yesterday, she laid one of those fart eggs where the shell is wrinkled and thin. The next day she laid normally, but today she laid an egg without a shell (just the membrane). I don't know if it's relevant, but we think she pulled a muscle a few weeks back because she had a limp for a few days. It went away, but recently has been bothering her again
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Do you have photos of the eggs and the hen?
Has your flock ever had respiratory illness?
Have you added any new chickens lately?

I would make sure she's eating her normal feed, provide oyster shell free choice, check her for lice/mites and see that her crop is empty in the morning.
Infighting and disturbances can impact egg shell quality. How much space do you have?

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