Is my chicken too thin if she has

True Grit

9 Years
May 2, 2010
Orono, Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
an evident line of down sticking out of her breast? I picked her up and her crop wasn't full but she felt thin to me and that line of breast down has been developing over the last couple of days. She's always been slim but never had that down sticking out. She is 19 weeks, not laying. Everybody else seems fine. No mites anywhere. If she had worms, they all range together, wouldn't the others. Thanks anybody and everybody with an opinion.

Here's an idea....maybe she is just very low on the pecking order, and the others are not letting her get enough to eat. Could you keep her in a cage for observation for a while and see how she's eating and drinking? Some vitamins/electrolites in her drinking water wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Good luck with her!

Thank-you - she isn't the lowest and when I take them their yogurt and oatmeal with sunflower for breakfast she's got her beak right in there. I will watch and make sure she gets her share. I just hate to separate her from her little flock. They do all actually seem to get along great. thanks again chicmom!

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