Is my crossbred chicken a rooster?

Why am I replying here instead of through messages? Why not. That's why =P

And honestly, I'm really upset, because I do think they're a rooster. Makes sense as to why they're so pretty. Their tail feathers are pointed and long, and while I see no hackle feathers atm, they definitely look like they could appear soon. I also see no saddle feathers or signs of any, but who knows. And unfortunately, my two roo's were bantams, and one was a Silkie, so I can't speak from experience of when they get their feathers... as one of my boys never had. For three months, their comb is very red, though not big. That could be the breed, though. It also could be the breed that makes their comb red (which could also explain their rusty coloration in their feathers) but I ain't goin' into that right now. I watched a video, if that helps any, of hens compared to roosters about the same age as yours. They looked like hens with little bits of their rooster tail feathers appearing. They had not gotten their hackle feathers from what I could see, they hadn't had their saddle feathers, but their combs looked a bit bigger than Chipmunk's. Theirs also didn't look as red (though again, could be their breed.)

Very unfortunate. While not friendly, they're gorgeous, and I'd hate to see them leave. Especially when I'm not allowed to take 'em either =(
So I guess if we go by common opinion, it’s a rooster. That’s too bad... I am hopefuls going to get a silkie and a polish in the spring to replace the rooster. Thank you all for your help!

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