Is my EE cockarel supposed to have no tail?


Jun 6, 2022
I’m a 1st time Backyard chicken owner, and i’m puzzled about my 16wk old EE cockarel. We have two cockerels so we’re going to see if they get along, but one of them has barely any tail and we got both chickens from the same breeder. It doesn’t look like he’d been picked on, since that was how he was when we got him at 7 weeks. He’s also a bit distant from the flock. Is this normal?


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Tail feathers are the last adult feathers to grow in so sometimes they are slower. Was there never any feathers? Tail feathers can pull out easily when a bird is frightened. I've learned that the hard way trying to catch a rooster or two.
Tail feathers are the last adult feathers to grow in so sometimes they are slower. Was there never any feathers? Tail feathers can pull out easily when a bird is frightened. I've learned that the hard way trying to catch a rooster or two.
Nope, there’s never been many. Only about 3-4 that we’ve seen grow in.
It may just take more time. Hopefully no one is plucking them out as they grow? I don't believe he's rumpless as he got some small feathers growing. Check him over for mites too.
Hey, we got our 1st EE this year too. I have one with no tail. Never has, We Thought it was a rooster and now we know its a hen. Photos are old, they are way older now. The brown one is a rooster and is full crowing. I have no idea why it has no tail. If I can have a hen with no tail you can have a rooster. I am still little worried if she will lay, should find out in the next month or so. Had a pullet checking out a box this morning.


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They are definitely getting plucked out by the others and this is why he is keeping his distance. You could put a smaller pen in the coop to separate him but still keep him with the flock and you will see the feathers start to grow back. I’m having the same problem. Something about the long tail feathers on the roosters the others want to grab onto them. I know some of them want the blood but I’ve seen some just pull feathers just for no apparent reason. They are a new thing with babies maybe. Also it might be you just have one chicken that is doing most of the pecking and you could isolate that one. Once they free range they have more room to get away. More roosts that he can get up away from the others could also help. I have seen the ones that got pecked stayed on the roosts more until I just separated them at night. There is also a purple goo ointment you can put on the skin but it only helps if they are getting pecked to the skin and bleeding. I have not had this help with yanking the long feathers. If they are getting a good starter feed then it shouldn’t be a lack of nutrient. I think it’s boredom, crowded, stress. Something that just makes them irritable that starts it. Now that my roosters are bigger they are doing their own pecking for no reason… not pulling feathers but a lot of aggressive pecking. They have had enough of it and the hens are getting afraid of them. mine are all 16 weeks. I think it will resolve with age.

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