Is my pigeon cage set up properly? :(


9 Years
Dec 12, 2014
Pacific Northwest
I have a pair of Birmingham Rollers (Mimzy and Zach) and they haven't laid yet or bred dispite my best efforts LOL I am hoping to have a squab hand raised and reasonably friendly by the time the county fair begins in August (Need time for maturity and training too!) but even though they both sit in the nest and they do cute little cuddles and grunts (the little lady likes to stand on the nest next him and just lay her foot on his head, silly birds) but even after being what I think to be pretty comfortable for over a month I've seen nothing out of them! Is their set-up the problem? They have the bedroom light on most of the day, its a nice comfortable temperature in here, they have clean water, high protein game bird feed plus a seed mix that they adore, they have two perching sticks, a box area elevated they chill in, a white tub of sand, a log to stand on and a nest I put in the corner... Am I doing this right?

This is what I am calling my "quarantine area" since they're new but the weather isn't good enough yet for us to be building and bird proofing the area we designated for them (sometimes hopefully after we have a squab they'll be moved out, or that was the plan at least.) so I know its a little bit smaller than what is optimal, its the size of two large dog kennels (either Large or XL each) and we open it from one side as not to spook them.

The boy is sitting in the nest and the little lady is standing on the log next to him (maybe getting ready to step on him?) and the sand tub is in front of them (they use it and get sand EVERYWHERE!!) Is everything good? Are they not laying because of the space? Food? Is there something you guys see that I dont? :(

Sorry if it looks a little grungy, my camera isn't the best and the lighting isn't good either, do they need more light? Should I put a lamp over them in the day hours?
All looks good to me. How old are the pair? Maybe did not reach maturity yet? When they are ready, there should be 2 nice lil eggs to make you happy.
All looks good to me. How old are the pair? Maybe did not reach maturity yet? When they are ready, there should be 2 nice lil eggs to make you happy.
Thats pretty much the ONE thing I dont know about them... We got them from a guy who got them from someone else xD They were all at least near the same age and our friends who also got a pair from the guy just had their first egg yesterday after me posting this! I'm super happy for them but bummed out because I want little babies too :)
Your Cage looks so nice, it's an excellent size, the only thing I would suggest is getting these wood sticks a little bit higher if possible. I have pigeons that live happily in a cocktail cage and they lay eggs normally, may be your Pigeons are either not mature yet or they will lay eggs soon. One rule I follow with eggs is to never wait for them, Just enjoy your birds and one day they will mate and lay eggs. As long as they love and accept each other there is no need to worry just enjoy them.
They're not very friendly since they were bought as adults and they want nothing to do with treats while I'm in the room so its a bit harder for me to enjoy them other than to just obviously enjoy looking at how adorable they are <3

Theres also an egg in there this morning :) Its been just about a month, maybe less and nobody ever saw any breeding, kidding, nothing which is crazy to me since we're in and out of this room all day xD I was worried that maybe it was us stressing them out by being in here that they wouldnt lay but I guess you're right in that I just gotta wait <3
They're not very friendly since they were bought as adults and they want nothing to do with treats Start feeding small amounts of shelled unsalted peanuts then try hand feeding. With patience and very slow movements on your part I am sure they will come around (my adults still do not like being pick up or handled but they do come on command for the most part).
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I've been doing exactly that for the past month and he still won't eat out of my hand, or even really be near me, though he does relax and kinda hang out with me when I am holding him to do things such as his nails or just to hold him. I've kinda given up on making these two super friendly and am mostly going to focus on their babies :)
Take out the game bird feed, it's too high protein, and can cause bad problems, as well as angelwing which will bar it from being shown or flying at all. Feed fourth to half 15-16% layer crumbles if worried about good grouth of bones and muscles, with rest seed and grain mix like wild bird seed and scratch.
Only feed half cup or fourth cup at time or half that twice daily, and make certain sound to all before and when feed.. they should eat all feed in ten mins to half hour your staying watching playing petting etc, or they are not hungry enough. This should show awsome results in week, as even completely feral ones learn in days. You can only do this for week then they can have just layer and scratch with grit in half cup daily till second baby hatches. After two weeks to month of hatching, provide second nest, in opposite back corner, Because​ male will want to nest again, and female will want to lay again, and babies maybe evicted neglected, injured, or outright killed. Ive had pairs raise eggs in nest with older young but if eggs hatch the older are evicted or younger die fast.
maybe have two males they don't need the sand bath maybe a bath of water once a week you could use milk jugs for water and feed by cutting hole about the size of 2x4 end about 2 inches from bottom
Take out the game bird feed, it's too high protein, and can cause bad problems, as well as angelwing which will bar it from being shown or flying at all. Feed fourth to half 15-16% layer crumbles if worried about good grouth of bones and muscles, with rest seed and grain mix like wild bird seed and scratch.
Only feed half cup or fourth cup at time or half that twice daily, and make certain sound to all before and when feed.. they should eat all feed in ten mins to half hour your staying watching playing petting etc, or they are not hungry enough. This should show awsome results in week, as even completely feral ones learn in days. You can only do this for week then they can have just layer and scratch with grit in half cup daily till second baby hatches. After two weeks to month of hatching, provide second nest, in opposite back corner, Because male will want to nest again, and female will want to lay again, and babies maybe evicted neglected, injured, or outright killed. Ive had pairs raise eggs in nest with older young but if eggs hatch the older are evicted or younger die fast.
We did this a while ago (a day or two after posting this actually) since they just werent eating it and we do mix a tiny bit in sometimes. Will they really try to nest again before their first two babies are fully grown? :O Wow...

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