Is my rooster being aggressive?

Oh Miss Chick@dee, I agree with every word!! My little Lala (short for Lazarus) was a lovely baby, too!! I brought him back from the dead (although I'm the one who nearly killed him!!). He would climb up my arm and sit on my shoulder and chirp sweet nothings in my ear. I even learnt how to answer back and taught him to catch insects in the garden (much to my neighbour's amusement!!). I also thought he was a she until the very first crow. Maybe I spoilt him, or maybe his genes were just bad. I feel a bit sad that we had to kill him, but definitely not risking the children...........or my little dog, or my legs!!
Just noticed tonight my mostly bare back hens ( 5 out of 14) are also bare under the wings, one actually has a large ( dime size ) dried bloody patch..... my rooster and the girls are just over 1 years old . He has torn feathers from 5-6 out of the 14 hens .
How do I know if he will grow out of this.We aren’t hatching eggs we have no NEED for him ...but we like him. he jumps on them so they stay back ... please any suggestions are welcome just remember we love him and won’t kill him.
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Just noticed tonight my mostly bare back hens ( 5 out of 14) are also bare under the wings, one actually has a large ( dime size ) dried bloody patch..... my rooster and the girls are just over 1 years old . He has ripped up 5-6 out of the 14 hens .
How do I know if he should be Sunday’s supper? We aren’t hatching eggs we have no NEED for him ... he jumps on them for no reason at all ... please any suggestions are welcome .
If you have no need for a rooster, I'm not sure why you'd keep him. What kind of life would have have, being separated from the hens at all times. Chickens are flock animals and I'd imagine it would be quite lonely and stressful to keep him locked up away from them. How do you feel about your hens being ripped up? Can't be too comfortable for them, can it? They would adjust just fine and probably be happy to not have to deal with that all the time.
Just noticed tonight my mostly bare back hens ( 5 out of 14) are also bare under the wings, one actually has a large ( dime size ) dried bloody patch..... my rooster and the girls are just over 1 years old . He has ripped up 5-6 out of the 14 hens .
How do I know if he should be Sunday’s supper? We aren’t hatching eggs we have no NEED for him ... he jumps on them for no reason at all ... please any suggestions are welcome .
So you’re saying that a year old rooster has to be killed without even trying to make this work ? I’m incredibly disappointed, I thought there would be ideas to help , not just off with his head!! Are there really perfect roosters out there?? He’s so nice and good with us, he’s over zealous with 5 hens is that not normal ???
A little thyme, rosemary and sage oh! Don’t forget the potato’s. Lol
Wow that’s harsh , I really like him and have raised him from a day old


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I just read someone's helpful advice yesterday (can't remember who) but they said mature roosters normally keep the young roosters in line and without a mature rooster, they go wild. So I'm giving mine a chance and keeping him penned separately (better than being dead). I got 6 more hens so that will be 8 hens for him (when they are mature enough) so I will keep trying him on occasion to see if he's calmed down. It doesn't hurt me to keep him separate. I also bought a tether but haven't tried that yet. It's been so hot.
That’s what I wanted to know , he’s not even grown up yet, I think they think it’s funny, but this is my boy... I like him a lot. I was wondering because I have a seperate coop he could be by them but not on them . Thanks alot

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