Is my Rooster Bumble Foot healing properly?


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
Little elm Texas

When I was cutting out the infection I cut him a little deep which I think that's why it's black. It's dried blood. He walk but not long and has a limp. I removed it about 5 days ago. Does it look normal? It's my first time.. A little info he is eating fine and drinking but doesn't crow in the morning and I have him kept away from his ladies. I change his dressing every day.

Thank you in advance
I cut really deep. I only saw pink flesh. I removed what looked like roots 3 strings. He was bleeding badly. I went in the house to get more paper towels and he was sitting in a pool of blood. So I resoaked in Epsom salt dried quickly and covered it with liquid bandage. It was only way I could get yo stop bleeding. Next day I resoaked and removed the liquid band aid and only had to reapply to a tiny area. Why do you think it may need to be redone ? So I can recognize the signs thank you for your help

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