Is my rooster sick?


In the Brooder
May 16, 2021
I have a rooster that always seemed to defend our chickens from other roosters. But one day he ran away from the other roosters and hid inside our hen’s nest for the whole day. His eyes also seem to be mid shut and not wide open like it used to be. And he sneezed a couple times during the day. It also keeps looking for a place to lay down for most of the time. Is my rooster sick or is this normal?
It's normal for all chickens to sneeze sometimes. It's also normal for a rooster to spend time on occasion in a nest. Both of my roosters do this from time to time.

It's normal for roosters to rest and to nap.

Nothing about those behaviors points to sickness.

However, if your rooster doesn't eat, or if he only wants to sleep all day, or if his poop is runny or watery or green, then he may be sick.

And no, we probably wouldn't be able to tell you what is making him sick.
He may have been picked on by the other roosters. Keep an eye on him and make sure he is eating and drinking.

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