is my silkie going broody ?


10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
South Wales
hey, tonight my dad put the chickens and ducks out in the run but my hen silkie stayed in a nest box and my dad went in the coop and she didnt move he put his hand under her and then she stoud up she didnt get out the nest box just stoud up so my dad but 2 golf balls by her and she put them under her

is she going broody ?

if she is im gunna get some pekin chicken eggs.


she could well be! My silkie mixes are broody at the moment. Make sure she has some mixed grain and water by her as she will be reluctant to leave the nest. Also giving her a nudge each day so that she does eat, drink and poo. Let us know how you get on!! good luck with hatching, very exciting
I have two silkies and they go broody ALL the time!! I block the nesting boxes at night so they get up on the roost with the others. Silkies are known for their constant broodiness.

I think if you leave the eggs there she will sit on them.

Good luck

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