Is painting inside the coop safe?

Nope, they're neither woodpeckers nor goats, they will not eat sound paint
If you let the paint get old and snagglytoothed and peeling, a few flakes may be consumed, but even then honestly I would not worry about it, paint sold these days is pretty safe.

I highly recommend painting the inside of the coop; makes it brighter in there, protects the floor somewhat vs damp spots and spills in the litter, and (especially if you use semigloss) makes it easier to get poo off... and poo *will* get crusted onto some fairly unlikely locations

Make sure to prime first, it makes a big difference, and use thin rather than thick coats (thick coats are more apt to get peely as they age)

Good luck, have fun,

I started to paint the inside of mine, but stopped because I got lazy ;}

THe chickens don't really peck at anything but the shavings... Even then I doubt it would hurt them if they did peck at the paint..
Thanks everyone, as a new member I just figured out you can reserch if someones already asked the question before, so I'll try that next time, but THANKYOU
all so much for takeing the time to reply, now all I have to do is pick the colors!!!
I painted mine with homemade milk paint. It leaves a very waterproof layer, but it was a complete pain to do. I think you can buy milk paint also, which might be good!

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