Is she a white leghorn....?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 30, 2010
birmingham uk
Hi all,

I was hoping someone would know if 'Pearl' is a white leghorn bantam

When we brought her we was told she was a white leghorn, recently we found out she is a bantam and today was told that she may not be a white leghorn bantam at all :|

Please note that isnt any dark flecking lol its just a bit of mud
She is completely white

Here she is.....


Also if anyone knows how old she might be could you please let us know
we havent had any eggs yet so its hard to tell

Many thanks
looks like a leghorn, my white leghorns dont have yellow legs. now, mine are hatchery quality, not show quality. My leghorns have much larger white ears, but she could be real young since her comb is small. You will know for sure if she develops a large flopped over comb. looks like the right body type though!

oh and leghorns are not as big as some of the standard breeds. My leghorns are slightly bigger than my bantams and smaller than my barred rocks and wyandottes

It doesn't matter if a bird is hatchery vs show quality, leg color should still be the same, otherwise it is not the same breed. And still, the bird doesn't have white earlobes either to be a Leghorn.
thankyou for all your replies

after looking at pictures of White orpingtons on google, i think she looks most like one although her bum isnt as big

one of our chickens has been laying rougly every day and a half, we assumed it was our sussex silkie cross but could it be this one instead? i thought she was a leghorn so i was looking our for white eggs from here but these are the eggs we have been getting..........


i am confused lol
Those eggs are hers.

Her bum isn't as big because she's hatchery quality, meaning she'll never be as big, heavy, or fluffy as a more "true" type Orpington.

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