Is she broody/ other questions?


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
I know you here from me about a broody hen more than you like.......But I think I finally got one!!!!
I was so impatient then I got one yesterday. The thing is I am not sure if she is broody, is she broody when she has stayed in the nest box all night and most of yesterday, and is still today. She growls every time I touch her. I have another question to, what do I do for care and when is the latest time I can put fertile eggs under her and when do I do it?
Wait a week to see if shes "fully" broody, you don't want half developed eggs gone to waste, then you can put the eggs under! Make sure she has constant food and water in the coop, she'll go only outside 1-3 times a day.
Sounds like she is very broody to me. I try to hatch all my chicks using broody hens and have have had great success. If she is still in the coop I would move her and her nest to a private location. If you have fertile eggs you want hatched replace the eggs she is sitting on at night... She should do fine. And yes she will growl and peck at you, but I would take that as a sign of a good protective mom. Don't wait too long to put the eggs you want to hatch under her. She will now when 21 days is up and after the 23rd or 24th day if the eggs haven't hatched she will most likely abandon the nest...I use large dog crates with a nest and food for my broody hens and usually cover have of it with a blanket to keep it somewhat dark... They always do great for me this way. Hope this helps and Good Luck!
You should put the eggs under her after the eggs have sat for at least 3-5 days. Correct me if I'm incorrect Don't put one egg in one day, then 3 more the next day, because then the first chick who hatches has to wait for the others, and if the hen gets up, it'll just be a disaster. Don't put the fertile eggs under her the day they were laid either. I did that, and the chick developed well, but the air cell was too small for it.

So if she is officially broody, set some eggs under her
I am planning to put Peafowl eggs under her is that ok? I checked in the peafowl section and they said they do it all the time!
You don't have to move her out of the coop but I always do so the other chickens don't disturb her... If you do move her and the eggs I would do it at night.. Everyone does things different, this is just what has worked for me

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