Is she choking ??? Help

Try the vetrx it has a methyl smell to it Remember the days of vics. Put it in her water it gets on her beak. It is helpful in supporting raspatory health. When Garnet has these symtoms it really helps
Try the vetrx it has a methyl smell to it Remember the days of vics. Put it in her water it gets on her beak. It is helpful in supporting raspatory health. When Garnet has these symtoms it really helps

Unfortunately, VetRX is not available in my country and it would be too expensive/it would take ages to buy it online (I know it can be found on Amazon, for example).

But I might need something similar to use in the long term. The way I see it, now that time is passing and she isn't improving, her condition is most likely chronic and all I can do is help her breathe so that she can move on with her chicken life.

Honestly, I feel kind of guilty because I didn't dare to cull her when she was in a critical condition, and of course, I don't dare to cull her now that she is not critical, but I saved her and she survived to become this, a chicken with "asthma attacks"... I didn't want her to die suffocated but I feel like I can lose her in any of those attacks... I'm worn out
I know there are some essential oils that are good for raspatory. PLASE get 100% oil without any fillers, Example: anything you can buy at a store. They have perfumes instead of the real distilled part of the plant.
So, I'm not much of a believer in essential oils as they often get touted as cure-alls by people trying to sell them, but I'm willing to do some research into these.

One problem with your theory on essential oils for this particular post is that there is no singular "essential oil", you have to pick a particular plant to "take the essence of" to create said oil. What particular plant oil are you suggesting?
I'm sorry you're unable to get Vetrx in your company. Check out the ingredients and DIY your own.

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