Is something wrong with my chick?

Ok here is the update:

I mashed up some scrambled egg, the weird acting chick wasn't interested (the other four were eating it down though). She will hop alittle to get to the waterer or food, so she is eating and drinking.

She is also now opening and closing her peak with out making a sound. She is still semi-alert, although I noticed the others are walking/running over her and sleeping on her. Do you think she may have been injured, which is causing her to have trouble walking?

Oh I took her out and fed her a little yogurt, she was more receptive this time. She even pooped on the towel she was laying on while I fed her....

I also see the theromater (excuse my poor spelling) is up to 90.
if your chick is being trampled, it might be a good idea, to seperate her from the others. Give her a small stuffed animal, and make sure she stays warm enough. Other than that I dont know what else that you could do, other than what everyone else sudgested
I cleaned up the small box they came in and put it in the brooder with the other chicks. This way they can still hear and see each other, but the sides are tall enough so the other's can't "jump the fence" per say. I am just keeping my fingers crossed and checking in on her often. I already have done what everyone has suggested so far. I do pray she makes it. Thank you everyone who has offered their advise and help. I really apperciate it!!
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Thank you. Well the chick is still alive
! She is eating and drinking, and pooping, but she still is not walking. She just lays there, and if she wants to get over to the food or water, she kinda hops and wiggles, but will not stand up. *sigh* She moves her legs fine when I pick her up, she just doesn't seem to have the strength to move herself. I just gave her some more yogurt. We will see how it goes.
She didn't make it.
I am so disappointed because I tried so hard, but the last few days I just felt like all I was doing was delaying the inevitable. She was getting weaker and weaker despite the had feedings and making sure she was drinking. I know these things happen, but this was my first batch of chicks, and I am down to 4 of the 14 I ordered. I still plan to get more in March, but for now I just want to enjoy the ones that are left and get over some of this heart break.
Thank you everyone who supported me through this.
Amy, I'm so sorry. I lost most of my first batch this year too and it broke my heart as they died one by one no matter how I tried to nurse them back to health. It may take some time, but my guess is that you'll be ready to do it all again wishes...

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